วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

The Lock to Try/Finally refactoring

Locking is essential in programs with multi-threading. It restricts code from being executed by more than one thread at the same time. The lock statement gets the exclusive monitor for an object and ensures that no other thread can access the object until the lock is released.
The lock statement automatically generates exception safe code, and in fact it is a syntactic shortcut for a call to the methods Monitor.Enter(obj) and Monitor.Exit(obj) with a try/finally block. However, if the thread is aborted after the lock is acquired but before entering the try block, the lock will not be released. Also, bear in mind that the Monitor.Enter() waits to acquire the lock forever which may introduce a possible deadlock condition.
To avoid these issues with the lock statement, it is better either to use different overloads of the Monitor.Enter() call which take additional arguments, such as amount of time or a number of milliseconds to wait while trying to obtain a lock, or use the Monitor.TryEnter() call which lets you specify a timeout for an operation. But before you can use any of these workarounds, you need to convert the lock statement into its equivalent code. The Lock to Try/Finally refactoring can help you to automate this task.
The refactoring produces the following result once it is applied:
CodeRush Lock to Try/Finally result
Now you can modify the code as required, for instance:
CodeRush Lock to Try/Finally modified code
This code does not have issues as with the lock statement mentioned above.

Refactorings for simplifying of .NET 4.0 parallel computing development

Many personal computers and workstations have two or four cores that enable multiple threads to be executed simultaneously. .Net Framework ver. 4.0 has been introduced a standardized and simplified way for creating robust, scalable and reliable multi-threaded applications. The parallel programming extension of .NET 4.0 allows the developer to create applications that exploit the power of multi-core and multi-processor computers. The flexible thread APIs of the extension are much simpler to use and more powerful than standard .NET threads.
The extension implements the concept of automatic dynamic parallelization of applications. It provides both ease-of-use and scalability in development of parallel programs. The concept is naturally integrated into .NET Framework by means of templatized classes (introduced in C# with generics) that encapsulate all low-level details such as threading, synchronization, scheduling, load balancing, etc., which makes the extension a powerful tool for implementing high-performance parallel applications.
Refactor! Pro provides several parallel computing refactorings that can help you to parallelize your code to distribute work across multiple processors. Here they are:
  • Convert to Parallel
Converts the code to run in parallel.
  • Execute Statements in Parallel
Executes the selected independent statements in parallel.
  • Execute Statements in Serial
Moves the child statements out from the Parallel.Invoke call and executes them serially.
Passes the appropriate BeginXXX and EndXXX methods (corresponding to this statement) to the FromAsync method of Task.Factory, launching an asynchronous operation and returning a handle to the associated Task.
Passes the current statement to the StartNew method of Task.Factory, launching an asynchronous operation and returning a handle to the associated Task.
All refactorings work in both CSharp and Visual Basic languages. In this article we will review the first three refactorings, and see how they help to speed-up the code in a real sample. There are several parallel programming methods we are going to use:
  • Parallel.For
  • AsParallel
  • Parallel.Invoke
  • and a standard serial calculation method to compare with.
Consider that we have the function that determines whether the specified number is prime:
public class Prime
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the specified number is prime.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">The number.</param>
/// <returns>
/// true if the specified number is prime; otherwise, false.
/// </returns>
public static bool IsPrime(int number)
for (int d = 2; d <= number / 2; d++)
if (number % d == 0)
return false;
return number > 1;

And the standard function that returns the list of primes in the specified limit:
static List Find(int limit)
var result = new List();
for (int i = 2; i < limit; i++)
if (Prime.IsPrime(i))
return result;

Using the System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch class, we will count how much time it takes for finding all primes within the limit. The limit will be 300000:
static void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Console.WriteLine("Time passed: " +
stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms.");

The result of the standard code run is 18328 ms. Average CPU usage is 52%. Here’s the CPU usage history of the Intel(R) Core(TM)2 DUO CPU:
Refactor! CPU usage history #1
Now, let’s use the Convert to Parallel refactoring and improve the code:
Refactor! Convert to Parallel preview - Parallel.For
The result of the Parallel.For code run is 9727 ms. Average CPU usage is 100%. CPU usage history:
Refactor! CPU usage history #2
Let’s change the Find method to use LINQ instead:
static List FindLINQ(int limit)
IEnumerable numbers = Enumerable.Range(2, limit - 1);
return (from n in numbers
where Prime.IsPrime(n)
select n).ToList();

Result time: 19555 ms. Average CPU usage: 100%. CPU usage history:
Refactor! CPU usage history #3
Once again, using the same Convert to Parallel refactoring change the code:
Refactor! Convert to Parallel preview - AsParallel
Result time: 10111 ms. Average CPU usage: 100%. CPU usage history:
Refactor! CPU usage history #4
Now let’s use the Parallel.Invoke method. To use this method, we’ll split the limited number into 10 parts and make calculation in parallel. An additional helper method is needed in this case:
static void CheckRange(List result, int n, int limit, int factor)
for (int i = n * (limit / factor); i < (n + 1) * (limit / factor); i++)
if (Prime.IsPrime(i))

The standard code will look like this:
static List FindRange(int limit)
var result = new List();
CheckRange(result, 0, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 1, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 2, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 3, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 4, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 5, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 6, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 7, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 8, limit, 10);
CheckRange(result, 9, limit, 10);
return result;

Result time without parallel optimization: 17816 ms. CPU usage: 52%. CPU usage history:
Refactor! CPU usage history #5
Now, use the Execute Statements in Parallel refactoring: The Parallel.Invoke method takes an array of delegates as an argument. The new code will look like this:
static List FindRangeParallel(int limit)
var result = new List();
() => CheckRange(result, 0, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 1, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 2, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 3, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 4, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 5, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 6, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 7, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 8, limit, 10),
() => CheckRange(result, 9, limit, 10));
return result;

Result time: 10530 ms. CPU usage: 100%. CPU usage history:
Refactor! CPU usage history #6
The Execute Statements in Serial refactoring is an the opposite of the Execute Statements in Parallel, which moves all code from the Parallel.Invoke call and executes it as usual (serially).
Here’s the comparison chart of the different parallel methods used in comparison to the standard serial methods:
Refactor! Parallel computing graph
Time chart:
Refactor! Parallel computing time graph
As you can see, using parallel computing almost doubles the speed of the code, even when the number of calculations is small. Parallel refactorings from Refactor! Pro make it easy to improve the speed of your code.

Refactorings to execute statements asynchronously

Refactorings to execute statements asynchronously

In continuing with the ‘Refactorings for simplifying of the .NET 4.0 parallel computing development‘ thread, let’s review the additional refactoring for executing statements asynchronously called in the same manner – Execute Statement Asynchronously. The refactoring is available in two versions:
  • Execute Statement Asynchronously (FromAsync)
  • Execute Statement Asynchronously (StartNew)
The FromAsync version of the refactoring launches an asynchronous operation passing a pair of the corresponding BeginXxx and EndXxx methods of the selected statement to the FromAsync call of the Task.Factory. The FromAsync call provides a convenient mechanism which uses the BeginXxx and EndXxx methods of the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) to create a Task.
The TaskFactory simplifies creation and startup of simple background tasks dramatically. For example, consider that we have a Stream and a byte buffer, and we want to read from that stream into the buffer. Synchronously, we could do the following:
CodeRush Execute Statement Asynchronously Sample Code
The Execute Statement Asynchronously (FromAsync) refactoring will allow us to convert this code into the FromAsync call:
CodeRush Execute Statement Asynchronously FromAsync Preview
resulting in the following one:
CodeRush Execute Statement Asynchronously FromAsync Result
The FromAsync call returns a handle to the associated Task. The resulting Task object will, by default, be executed on a thread pool thread. Combine this support with the ability to do Task.WaitAll, Task.WaitAny, Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll, and Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAny, and we can achieve a very useful synchronization functionality having just a little code.
The second version of the refactoring (StartNew) launches an asynchronous operation by passing the current statement to the StartNew method of Task.Factory. For instance, using StartNew is more efficient than creating and starting tasks manually, because the StartNew method not only starts a new task but also applies the required synchronization to the process. If you construct a task using the Task’s constructor, you then pay this synchronization cost when calling the Start method, because you need to have protection against the chance that another thread is concurrently calling Start. However, if we use the Task.Factory.StartNew, we know that the task will have already been scheduled and started by the time we get the Task reference returned, which means that it is no longer possible for threads to race to call Start, because every call to Start will fail. In the case of using StartNew, we can avoid the additional synchronization and take a faster and easier approach for scheduling a Task.
The Execute Statement Asynchronously (StartNew) refactoring can be applied on any statement:
CodeRush Execute Statement Asynchronously StartNew Preview
which will result in:
CodeRush Execute Statement Asynchronously StartNew Result
The difference between the StartNew and FromAsync methods is that using the latter for the things like Stream (i.e., when API offers the appropriate BeginXxx and EndXxx methods), you will actually end up using the async I/O underneath the covers, e.g., I/O Completion Ports in Windows which provide an efficient threading model for processing multiple asynchronous I/O requests on a multiprocessor system. The FromAsync method in this case provides the best way to achieve I/O scalability, and is more efficient than blocking multiple CPU threads doing a synchronous operation using the StartNew method.


Products: CodeRush Pro

Versions: 12.1 and up

VS IDEs: 2008 and up

Updated: Sep/17/2012

ID: R069

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วันจันทร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Sort Data Using Code with the Silverlight CollectionViewSource

Sort Data Using Code with the Silverlight CollectionViewSource

As a follow-up to last week's blog posting and newsletter, this week I am going to show you how to use the CollectionViewSource object in Silverlight to sort data using code. Sometimes you need something a little more flexible, so you will need to resort to writing some code. You can take advantage of the CollectionViewSource from your XAML, but dynamically change the sort order of your lists with just a few lines of code.
For this example, I will be using a simple Product class with three properties, and a collection of Product objects using the Generic List class. Try this out by creating a Product class as shown in the following code:
public class Product
public Product(int id, string name, string type)
ProductId = id;
ProductName = name;
ProductType = type;
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public string ProductType { get; set; }
Create a collection class that initializes a property called DataCollection with some sample data as shown in the code below:
public class Products : List<Product>
public Products()
public List<Product> DataCollection { get; set; }
List<Product> InitCollection()
DataCollection = new List<Product>();
DataCollection.Add(new Product(3, "PDSA Framework", "Product"));
DataCollection.Add(new Product(1, "Haystack", "Product"));
DataCollection.Add(new Product(2, "Fundamentals of .NET eBook", "Book"));
return DataCollection;
The screen shot shown in Figure 1 is a Silverlight page that allows the user to sort the Product data by either the Product Name or the Product Type.
Sort Data Using Code
Figure 1: Sorting data using code in Silverlight
Notice that the data added to the collection is not in any particular order. Create a Silverlight page and add two XML namespaces to the UserControl.
The 'local' namespace is the name of the project that you created. The 'scm' namespace references the System.Windows.dll and is needed for the SortDescription class that you will use for sorting the data. Create a UserControl.Resources section in your Silverlight page that looks like the following:
<local:Products x:Key="products" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="prodCollection"
Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource products},
<scm:SortDescription PropertyName="ProductName"
Direction="Ascending" />
The first line of code in the resources section creates an instance of your Products class. The constructor of the Products class calls the InitCollection method which creates three Product objects and adds them to the DataCollection property of the Products class. Once the Products object is instantiated you now add a CollectionViewSource object in XAML using the Products object as the source of the data to this collection. A CollectionViewSource has a SortDescriptions collection that allows you to specify a set of SortDescription objects. Each object can set a PropertyName and a Direction property. As you see in the above code you set the PropertyName equal to the ProductName property of the Product object and tell it to sort in an Ascending direction.
The two Radio Buttons on the page are created using the following xaml:
<RadioButton Name="rdoSortName"
Content="Sort by Name" />
<RadioButton Name="rdoSortType"
Content="Sort by Type" />
Notice the Tag attribute has been set with the name of the property that you want to sort on. The Checked attribute is set to an event procedure called SortTheData. This event procedure is shown in the following code.
private void SortTheData(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (lstData != null)
ICollectionView dataView;
dataView = (ICollectionView)lstData.ItemsSource;
new SortDescription(((RadioButton)sender).Tag.ToString(),
lstData.ItemsSource = dataView;
In this code you are retrieving the CollectionViewSource data from the ItemsSource property of the list box. You cast this as a ICollectionView object. Clear any existing SortDescriptions and then add a new SortDescription object to the SortDescriptions collection on the CollectionView. You pass to the constructor of the SortDescription class the Tag property of the Radio button that was selected. Remember this is the name of the property that you wish to sort on. The second parameter passed to the constructor is the direction of the sort, either Ascending or Descending.
That's all there is to it. A simple way to allow your users to sort on different properties with just a few lines of code!
NOTE: You can download the complete sample code (in both VB and C#) at my website. http://www.pdsa.com/downloads. Choose Tips & Tricks, then "Sort Data Using Silverlight CollectionViewSource" from the drop-down.